Indigenous ways of knowing and decolonial resource list.
Thanks to discovering asexuality, I see “no” as whole because we are whole.
I didn’t know there was a word for people like me, so I never looked for one.
Where my identity as an asexual is seen as a choice hastily made, as if I only need a little persuasion, as if I just one day decided to stop being sexually attracted to others.
Before I could name it, I felt my asexuality as truly as my feet felt every step of a run. I now claim it as fully as I claim my body.
the only counting I did
was not of cards
but of conversations
where I was called
a prude
But for now, I’m holding on. Because there’s nothing wrong with me. And there never was.
And there is a label for people like me: asexuality. But how do I condense myself into the ‘a’ in ‘asexuality’? That ‘a’ means ‘not.’ That ‘a’ means ‘lacking.’
Coming to terms with being aromantic asexual offered an opportunity to pursue what I wanted for myself. To reject the premise that my existence is centered on my appeal to men.
Aquinas hadn’t been asked about his celibacy, although he would have revealed that his state of purity was chosen for its liberating potential
And suggest a round while we’re here
Because I’ll spare you the lecture
And find the door,
Ten pins left erect.
To have every cuddle, every kiss, every hug, just be seen as a path to sex - I didn’t want that.
It is a statement about the feeling of deformity and emptiness I experience when I compare myself to my allosexual peers.
I just wanted to pass
beneath your hot gaze,
pass beyond the glass
door to my desire:
a venti vessel filled
with iced chai.
You think everyone’s just faking it because that’s what’s cool, but you still don’t get why it’s cool.
You may hear that us sirens eat the bodies of the shipwrecked. Many do. I've simply never found it appealing.
I'm not a sculptor, but my identity isn't something that can be grasped in a flat medium.
The Asexual asks writers and artists to discuss experiences of discovering identity—a task which is often difficult in a world where our identities are obscured.