What the endurance of this phrase over decades of time can tell us about societal perceptions of asexuality should not be minimized, especially given the phrase’s deeper assumptions.
What the endurance of this phrase over decades of time can tell us about societal perceptions of asexuality should not be minimized, especially given the phrase’s deeper assumptions.
Elizabeth’s androgynous language supports her status as a virgin married to her kingdom — simultaneously both and neither woman and man, wife and husband.
We market bitterness as a marker of adulthood (…) Set aside such childish things as sweetness and grow up.
Once upon a time, the girl met another asexual. “Holy shit,” she said, “This has never happened to me before. It’s like meeting a unicorn!”
I wish attraction and wanting to have a significant relationship weren't so inextricably linked together, and the latter wasn’t assumed to fail without the presence of the former.
My roots are steel in the ground / My stem is not for breaking / Leave this flower where it stands
I always thought men looked better in suits. Like, in comparison with being naked.
I can organize my relationships by asking myself how emotionally close and how interdependent I would like to be with a person.
This box was getting smaller by the second. Where did all the air go?
“Oh and Clara, when are you going to get a boyfriend?" She said it like boyfriends were fruits which could be plucked from trees or ornaments necessary to authorize membership in the “normal teenage girls” club.
You’ve always felt like the odd one out, never fast enough at catching the innuendos, convinced your friends’ outbursts were mere exaggerations.
I want to get drinks and food with you / Crawl into your brain places as we talk / Explore the topography of your mind web / And catch myself in your connections
I would call it a piece about enclosure and removal, retention and emission, harmony and chaos – feelings I closely associate with attraction.
Your attraction is cautious, wanting to know someone before it will come out of hiding.
It’s not that I’m against sex, or that I don’t even enjoy it / But it always feels like there’s something I’m missing