Vol. 3, Issue 1: Discovering Identity
The Asexual Vol. 3, Issue 1
Lead Editor: Michael Paramo
Theme: Introduced by Katie Frey and voted upon by supporters of The Asexual journal
Contributors: Sid Wight, A Ashley, Manos Bazanis, LG, Evelyn Benvie, Claire, Krista, Erin Watt, Ebun Soneye, Daniela Fois, Deramin, Michael Paramo, Calyssa Erb, Aria Pahari, Jason Gurevitch, Hannah Trammell, Bea, Elizabeth, Paula Puolakka, Paulina Gazda, Andrea Wold Johansen, Cat Cotsell, Ruth, Madeline Wierzal, and Daniela Illing
Cover Artwork: “Open” by Daniela Illing (@zeichenleere)
Article Artwork: Seven of Wands from the Rider-Waite Tarot deck for “Seven of Wands” (Wikipedia), an altarpiece in Ascoli Piceno, Italy, by Carlo Crivelli (15th century) for “Aquinas Strikes Out at Ave Maria University,” “Untitled” by Cas Mayhall, Ulysses and the Sirens illustration from an antique Greek vase, French School 19th century for “Siren Seeking Sailor” (Bibliotheque des Arts Decoratifs, Paris, France/Bridgeman Images), 13 photographs by Michael Paramo (@mxparamo.art), and “Open” by Daniela Illing.
Date of Publication: June 15th, 2019
Supporters: This journal issue would not be possible without AZE’s supporters on Patreon. A special thank you to Lindsey, Alex Hansen, Caitlin McKenna, Chris Pasillas, and Heidi Samuelson! You can support the journal here.
Volume 3, Issue 1
The Asexual is an independent journal which relies on support via Patreon. Without this support from our patrons, this journal would not be possible. Supporter+ patrons of The Asexual journal currently donating $5.00 or more per month:
Aimee Stubbs
Akilah Thomas
Alex Stabler
Alexandra Bowers-Mason
Andrea Berman
Annie Robertson
Brittainy Brown
Camille Theron
Carmilla DeWinter
Ceili Sauer
Chris Pasillas
Courtney Boucher
Damianne Abel
Daniela Illing
David Jay
Duke Lambert
Dylan Morris
Florian Lorenzetta Freyss
Heidi Samuelson
Helen Doremus
Jacob Irving
Jennifer Smart
Jessica Shea
Joe Kort
Julie Rozen
Kaitlyn Mahoney
Kate Gilbert
Katie Frey
Kianna Carter
Kristina Weber
Kyle Lindsey
Lindsey Petrucci
M. D. Hooks
Rane Wallin
Robin Taylor
Samantha L
Sarah Lister
Tawny Case
Vari Robinson
Walter Mastelaro Neto
Yesenia Reveles